This paper belongs to you. This physical copy, of course; this is yours, do with it what you will (we would prefer that you read it). But the activities and issues covered within, the vocalization of concerns and accomplishments from within the community, are yours.
Fifteen years ago, before most of us remember talk of newspapers’ imminent disappearance, the Committee of Concerned Journalists, then under the Project for Excellence in Journalism, expressed what they believe to be the purpose of journalism in our modern age. “Helping define community, creating common language and common knowledge, identifying a community’s goals, heros and villains, and pushing people beyond complacency... being entertaining, serving as a watchdog and offering a voice to the voiceless.”
We could not agree more.
A publication is dependent upon its constituents – Marian – and bound to inform and reflect the character of that community, so we encourage you to reply via email or on our Facebook page if you want to voice your thoughts, suggest something for us to report, offer critiques – or write in something yourself.
We’ll be doing the bulk of writing, editing, and putting the paper together, of course. All in all, consider this an invitation to contribute to the public discourse and to shape the dialogue springing from the wealth of activity and engagement on this campus.
So whatever you do with this copy – skim it, delve into it, or laminate and frame it in your dorm – know that we write because we are a community, and a community needs a forum for its diverse members to share.