Friday, November 11, 2011

Marian offers special topics courses for spring ’12

By Michael Schrader

In the spring 2012 semester, the university is offering, in all, seventeen special topics courses from the Schools of Business, Liberal Arts, Nursing, Sciences and the Honors Program.

BUSThe School of Business is offering both Business Plan Implementation (BUS 280 A) and International Finance (BUS 480 A).

In International Finance students can expect to learn about capital investment and potential problems with cash flows generated in foreign currency.
Lib Arts The School of Liberal Arts is offering a course that combines studies in English and French through The Franco-American Connection: Paris and Provence (ENG 380 A/FRE 380 A/HON 380 B).

Students will examine the cultural relationship between France and the United States, starting with the French and American Revolutions and moving to the Impressionist period and the Jazz Age. The course will also look at influences in architecture, lifestyle, literature, music, politics, etc.
Great BooksThe Honors Program will hold two Great Book Discussions (HON 380 A or B)

One will discuss the Noir genre, which includes mystery novels such as the Sherlock Holmes series and the Sam Spade series. Students will read “The Valley of Fear” by Sir Arthur Conan Doyle and “The Maltese Falcon” by Dashiell Hammet, along with short stories written by both authors.

This course will explore identity, gender, sexuality, and their manifestations through the text in the characters of Holmes, Spade, and others.
THE Next semester promises two courses: Directing (THE 380 A) and Film Production (THE 380 B).

Directing will teach students the basic principles involved in directing for the stage. This class will go into the artistic translation of the script to its formation on stage, and students will learn how to work with actors, designers, choreographers, etc.

Registration is ongoing now.
All special topics courses: - BUS 280 A: Business Plan Implementation: Kershaw
- BUS 480 A: International Finance: Gjerde
- COM 380 A: Rhetoric of Identity: Kelsey
- ENG 380 A/FRE 380 A/HON 380 B: The Franco-American Connection: Camblor, Prenatt
- ESS 380 A: Structural Anatomy: Cope
- ESS 380 B: Coaching of Wrestling: Wetherald
- HON 340 A: Great Book Discussions, Noir Sherlock Holmes: Bruther
- HON 340 B: Great Book Discussions, Democracy in America: Goldfinger
- HON 380 A: Toward a Theology of Marriage: Schemenauer
- LAW 380 A: Law School Application I: Goldfinger
- MUS 380 A: History of Musical Theatre: Kern
- NUR 480 A: Communication and Therapeutic Relationships: Peabody
- POL 380 A: Marxism: Hoffman
- POL 380 B: Model United Nations: Hoffman
- THE 380 A: Directing: Leagre
- THE 380 B: Film Production: Leagre